“To complicate is simple, to simplify is complicated”
Bruno Munari
2021 Categories
Best Entry Level Scotch Whisky 2021
We all enjoy gateway whiskies. For many these are the whiskies that intrigue, captivate or otherwise encourage us to explore more. Affordable and widely available, this category is intended to celebrate the best of what can be purchased for up to and around $35/£35/€35 and accessible to everyone.
Best Blended Scotch Whisky 2021
Blends are not all about mass-market consistency. A truly great blend can deliver an experience greater than the sum of its parts. Some of the most celebrated whiskies are blends or blended malts.. Let’s celebrate them here.
Best Grain Whisky 2021
Whisky is not only malt. There are many different cereals used in many different ways to produce outstanding whiskies across the globe. Single Grain, Rye, Single Pot Still Irish and even Bourbon are just some examples of whiskies made with cereals other than malted barley.
Best Distillery 2021
Which producers or distilling companies have brought the best experiences in the past year? Many are committed to available and affordable quality, while others chase what the market will stand. We celebrate the former.
Best Independent Bottler 2021
We are privileged in whisky in that we can enjoy our favourite spirit not only though the official releases but also from independents with a different take on things. Focusing on quality at a fair price, we award the indies who have excelled.
Best New Distillery 2021
We are experiencing an unprecedented time of growth in whisky, with new products coming from new producers like never before. With this category, we’d like to award new producers (who have released high-quality product in the previous 12mo.) in recognition of their achievements.
Best World Whisky 2021
This category celebrates the best the world has to offer. Anything, malt, grain or otherwise, which has exceeded expectations, from any country, anywhere. Excludes Scotch.
Best Scotch Single Malt 2021
While there is no further definitions on price or style, as long as it’s Scotch, this whisky should be something that offers exceptional value and widely available. Here we celebrate the best the sector has to offer - to everyone.
During August and September 2021, 24 channels worked in collaboration to define the list of nominees for each of the eight categories.
The nominee list went to public vote from late September until October.
This process will repeat in 2022!