During August and September of 2024, this list of contributors will be updated to include the contributor list for 2024 - which is not restricted to YouTube. Last year, 65 contributors from the web, YouTube, social channels, retail, podcasting, licensed trade, writers and reviewers took part, once more increasing the variety and depth of opinion.
They are listed here.
To learn how you could get involved, take a look at the form at the bottom of this page.
Contributor List

There are many more commenters, creators and channels out there. We see you. Help us build this.
To be considered, click the button below after meeting the following criteria:
I/we have been a voice invested in guiding whisky recommendations for more than a year.
I/we have been a voice in guiding whisky recommendations within the last year.
I/we believe in integrity first. We will not put forward recommendations received as gifts, samples or paid promotions.
I/we agree to only put forward recommendations that we purchased ourselves, would re-purchase ourselves and would recommend to others for purchase.
I/we have a focus or partial focus on Scotch whisky and can contribute meaningfully on behalf of the Scotch Whisky Community.
Having a social media account or presence is a great way to share this initiative and help us, even if it isn’t sufficient, in itself, to be a participant. We are interested in parties that are active in helping, guiding, reviewing and critiquing with an aim towards helping others enjoy the best in whisky.
Participants are accepted with agreement from the incumbent contributors responsible for curating the nominations. If you are not involved in participating this year, please be patient. We’ll be back next year!